BAIS Curricular Program

BAIS provides a U.S. standards-based curriculum with an international focus.  Instruction is in English for all subjects other than World languages. Our Pre-K curriculum, which aligns with the New York State Early Learning Guidelines, is designed to holistically support the intellectual, academic, social and emotional development of our young learners.  Learners engage in Discovery Learning and are exposed to prompts designed to stimulate their exploration, language development, critical thinking and collaborative skills through play.

Our curriculum for Kindergarten through middle school is based on AERO standards, which align with Next Generation Science Standards for science and with Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects and Mathematics.

In High School curriculum is based on either AERO or UNHS curricula depending on the course selected. The AERO curricula include College and Career Readiness anchor standards from the common core for cross- disciplinary literacy expectations that must be met for students to be prepared to enter college and/or the workforce no later than the end of high school. 

Core subjects of English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, are supplemented with specialty instruction in art, French, music, and physical education. Information and communication technology is integrated with learning across the subjects, and all classes have dedicated time in the computer lab and library each week. In high school, students may select discrete technology courses from Web Design to Computer Science.

All students are involved in the schoolwide Service Learning program. Service Learning at BAIS focuses on one UN Sustainable Development Goal per year -- this focal point becomes a catalyst for learning, exploration, research and taking action within our community to make our world stronger.

Program of Instruction

We cultivate a safe, welcoming, supportive, and inquisitive environment that develops the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual capacities of children. We believe that children must have elements such as self-confidence and social acceptance in place before meaningful intellectual development can be achieved. 

Class size may vary during any given year and has ranged from 5 to 15 in recent years. The school uses multi-age and multi-grade classes that change with the population of the school while ensuring individual success.


Educational Program

Our educational program recognizes that as children develop, their brains change and their physical development and social accuity grow.  Our philosophy of education are specific to four sections with teaching and learning in each geared appropriately for the age range..

Early Childhood: age 2+ to 4

BAIS Seedlings, Pre-Kindergarten 1 and Pre-Kindergarten 2

Our Early Childhood program promotes academic and social-emotional development in personalized, developmentally appropriate ways for children who are between two-and-a-half and four years old at the start of the year. Kindergarten students receive an academic program grounded in this same philosophy. Early childhood students have opportunities for self-directed learning and play -- Discovery Learning -- while being provided thorough guidance and supervision within a structured program taught by trained, experienced professionals.

Our Pre-K curriculum is based on New York State Early Learning Guidelines. Students in the Early Childhood program have regular classes in Art, Music, Physical Education, French, and Library.

Elementary: age 5 to 10

Kindergarten and Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Our elementary school curriculum provides active, engaging, authentic learning experiences that ensure solid grounding in the knowledge and skills of literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, French, art, music, information and communication technology, and physical education, in collaborative, student-centered, inquiry-based learning environments.

The elementary curriculum is based on AERO standards, Common Core State Standards for English language arts and mathematics, and Next Generation Science Standards for science. Units and lessons draw upon the unique expertise of our world-class educational team and the historical, cultural and physical environment of The Gambia.

Middle School: age 11 to 13

Grades 6, 7 and 8

The Middle School program provides students with a transition from the self-contained elementary school structure to the more departmentalized secondary school approach. Subject teachers develop their curriculum based on AERO standards, Common Core State Standards for English language arts and mathematics, and Next Generation Science Standards for science, and coordinate their instruction to produce multi-disciplinary approaches to topics.

Students learn about and reflect on human inter-relationships, life skills and good decision-making in a once weekly Personal-Social-Emotional Learning (PSEL) course to ensure these topics receive targeted instruction. Students are encouraged to become self-directed learners and are given numerous opportunities to develop leadership skills.

High School: age 14 to 18

Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12

BAIS High School  students (Grades 9-12) receive instruction from BAIS teachers as they complete courses through the University of Nebraska High School (UNHS), an accredited US high school that enrolls students throughout the world through a renowned correspondence program. The students earn credits towards graduation from BAIS and UNHS.

High school students participate in Art, Physical Education and elective classes in music or technology and have opportunities for leadership and community engagement through programs including Student Council and the Service Learning Project.

Happy Students

The BAIS community has always been very close, almost like a family. I am thankful to my parents that they gave me the opportunity to spend my childhood in this environment, since I believe that it influenced my way of thinking, my values and my attitude a lot.


BAIS was definitely a great experience for me. I enjoyed the both the theory and practical approach of the school. I liked how my teachers always saw potential in me even with the subjects I was weak in. Looking back on my education, it is BAIS that holds the closest memories to my heart.


BAIS is an amazing school in which I had great experiences. This was such a free school which allowed me to express my views and ideas. The environment was very friendly that it was not hard to fit in. BAIS planned marvelous events and I can say that the teachers fully prepared me to get into a good school.


Although my time at BAIS spanned just two years, the close-knit community and cherished memories I forged there make it feel as though the experience extended far beyond. Reflecting on my time at BAIS brings a sense of fulfillment and enrichment that will forever linger. Nestled within the African landscape, BAIS stands as the continent's most intimate American international school; its size a testament to the benefit of small class settings. Still, BAIS presented ample opportunities for students to deeply engage. I served on the school's MSA (Middle States Association) reaccreditation committee and channeled my passion for business by leading a Finance Club for other students. The school extends into the local community through its annual service learning project in which BAIS students collaborate with local Gambians learn about acts to create a more equitable society. These experiences stand unparalleled, setting BAIS apart from any other institution I've attended.
